Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lance to race again

I came in from my ride this morning and went through the typical routine of cleaning the bike, showering, and eating breakfast. While chowing down on my Raisin Bran Crunch (who doesn't love RBC?) and going through the news, I saw this article about LA racing again. It's interesting for a few reasons. Mainly that a) he's in a competitive setting again b) that Floyd got smacked around last year at this race and c) the comments. It sounds like a hell of a race. My big butt wouldn't make it, that's for sure.
There were some pretty funny comments. They highlighted some people's latent racism, lack of education (or inability to spell check, you decide), or people's desire to pull someone down to their level. Everyone has an opinion on whether or not Lance Armstrong doped or not. Each year at the TDF, as another lead rider or team drops out for failing a doping test or even allegations of doping, it's becoming harder and harder not to become cynical. "Everyone does it, so LA must have", you say? I find it harder to believe that one of the most tested athletes on the planet (as well as one of the most polarizing depending on your opinion) managed to cheat all of the tests. "What about Marion Jones?" I get that argument. She beat the tests using HGH or "The Clear", or whatever you want to call it. But for chronic HGH users (bodybuilders, Bonds, Jones, etc) you can SEE the change. The eyes spreading until they start to look like a fish, increasing shoe size, and a bigger head. Sustained HGH use would be a risky game for a pro cyclist. It would come with the potential for a constantly changing riding position due to your changing bone structure, in addition to added weight. These are all taboo for pro riders.
Anyway, until some magic test proves otherwise, LA admits it himself, or some other freak occurrence changes things, I'm assuming he's a clean athlete. If the cleats were on your feet, wouldn't you want the same? Anyway, I'm going to get off my soap box now and get some coffee. See you soon;-)

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