Sunday, November 16, 2008
Kurt Kinetic
I set up my trainer lasdt week ant took it for a spin, pun definitely intended. Maybe I'm not used to trainers, but it seems like the claim of "realistic road feel" is bull$..t. That being said, the resistance was super consistant and did give a good workout. It came with a good beginners DVD and while I think that trainers can't compare to getting out and riding, I'm pretty happy. Set-up was a breeze, and other than the hideous shade of green, it's nice and sleek looking. It's also got a solid base. I have little experience with trainers, so my mechanics need work, but even with my fat ass wobbling around, the bike, the base, and the trainer were rock solid. Overall I'd give it a B. I'm really only taking points off for the crappy color and the fact that it doesn't feel like riding a bike on pavement. Like I said, I haven't ridden other trainers (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), but given the research that I did I am very happy with it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Finally my review

This summer, my bike seemed to suffer more mechanical issues than ever before. The cranks stripped the middle of a ride. I'm sure TruVativ makes good products, most likely it was carelessness on a tune-up. So after having to call my girlfriend to come and get me, I invested in the trusty Shimano Ultegra numbers. After a trip to the LBS to get them installed (I can be a neanderthal with tools sometimes), I'm happy to say that these are "tons" better than the TV "Rolleur" model that they replaced. They're a ton stiffer, a bit lighter (I'm too fat for that to matter as much as the stiffness), and a bunch sexier looking. I'm also much happier with the BB and how much more easily they spin. Again, the TV's BB was just not as nice, but still perfectly adequate for the 4000-5000 miles they saw. That, in conjunction with the ultegra wheel set, an upgrade from the Giant's stock Xero set, made a big difference in the quality of the ride. The hoops were a lot lighter, stiffer (again I'm a big guy so I like sturdy stuff), and smoother rolling than the Xero models they replaced. I love them. I'll ride all of this through the winter, at which time it will get donated to my girlfriend as a starter bike. I just got my new trainer (Kurt Kinetic), so I'll review that as soon as I get enough time in on it. In the meantime, my goal for the winter is to pedal enough of my a$$ off to make purchasing a new Giant Defy Advanced a legitimate purchase. If I'm ever that 300lb guy jammed into sausage casing (I mean spandex)riding a 5k+ bike, someone do me a favor and put me out of my misery.
Boy, I really need to get it together...
It's been quite a few weeks since I've posted anything. And I mean anything. I promised I'd review my wheels and cranks, but I got caught up drooling over the new Giant Defy. This is basically the new for 09 version of my beloved OCR composite that I've been beating on for three years. So now that I have a new two-wheeled object of lust in my life, what's next? Will I dump my still relatively sexy ride for a newer, younger model? Probably. Don't get upset, at least I'm honest. And the truth of the matter is this: My current sweetheart will probably stay in the family as a beginner bike for my girlfriend (that I'm desperately trying to get into riding). I know it's not a dignified fate for such a nice bike, but I can't just let her go. Besides, me and my girlfriend are both short enough to where the bike actually fits us both. As for the Defy, check my new mistress and the rest of the 09 line out here (she's only my mistress until I buy her, probably in the spring...she's not cheap you know).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Blah Blah Blah
I know it's not substatial, but here are some more reactions, these better than the others.
Lance Armstrong
Lance, Lance, Lance
Oh the cycling world is abuzz.....Sort of. If you count the confusing and sometimes ambivalent statements made by the other riders as any type of indicator, LA's reception will be lukewarm at best. But I'd like to be fair and reserve judgment until things get rolling so to speak.Here's one article from regarding his suspected motives. Personally I could care less about his motives, I think it'll be fun to watch. Either a once in a lifetime feel good story or a slow motion trainwreck. Both are entertaining in their own way, although I'm hoping for the former as a fan of his.
Lance Armstrong
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yeah I know I'm late to talk about it...Lance is going to race again. I got this from the LAF:
We wanted you to be the first to know – it's true.
There are times in life when the game changes, when you look at the world differently and you know you must do what's right.
So, once again, Lance is changing the game. Today, it's still not about the bike. It's about people, their families and friends fighting the greatest fight of their lives – both in the U.S. and around the world. It's about straight and open talk about cancer, breaking the silence and eliminating the stigma and discrimination survivors experience. It's about a moral obligation to fight this disease no matter who or where it strikes with everything we've got.
The LIVESTRONG Army's commitment and dedication has started a movement to change cancer policy, research funding and access to care – a fight we must all commit to continue. We cannot stop now. We must increase our efforts and work to make cancer not only a national priority, but a global priority as well. Together, we can help inspire and empower the millions of people affected by cancer worldwide.
Now more than ever, we need you to join us. Whether you make a gift, join the LIVESTRONG Army or consider the presidential candidates' cancer plans before you vote, you will make an important impact on the future of cancer.
Read the official statement or watch a video message to the LIVESTRONG Army from Lance in his own words.
Thank you for all you do to support our efforts.
Doug Ulman
LAF President and CEO
Personally I'm excited. Can he do it? Who knows? But I'll bet it'll be fun to watch no matter what the outcome is. He has been keeping in good shape based on his performance at the Leadville 100 not too long ago, so I guess he can hop back into training for the TDF. I am being a tad forgetful, but I thought that I read that he was going to do several rides with Astana.
We wanted you to be the first to know – it's true.
There are times in life when the game changes, when you look at the world differently and you know you must do what's right.
So, once again, Lance is changing the game. Today, it's still not about the bike. It's about people, their families and friends fighting the greatest fight of their lives – both in the U.S. and around the world. It's about straight and open talk about cancer, breaking the silence and eliminating the stigma and discrimination survivors experience. It's about a moral obligation to fight this disease no matter who or where it strikes with everything we've got.
The LIVESTRONG Army's commitment and dedication has started a movement to change cancer policy, research funding and access to care – a fight we must all commit to continue. We cannot stop now. We must increase our efforts and work to make cancer not only a national priority, but a global priority as well. Together, we can help inspire and empower the millions of people affected by cancer worldwide.
Now more than ever, we need you to join us. Whether you make a gift, join the LIVESTRONG Army or consider the presidential candidates' cancer plans before you vote, you will make an important impact on the future of cancer.
Read the official statement or watch a video message to the LIVESTRONG Army from Lance in his own words.
Thank you for all you do to support our efforts.
Doug Ulman
LAF President and CEO
Personally I'm excited. Can he do it? Who knows? But I'll bet it'll be fun to watch no matter what the outcome is. He has been keeping in good shape based on his performance at the Leadville 100 not too long ago, so I guess he can hop back into training for the TDF. I am being a tad forgetful, but I thought that I read that he was going to do several rides with Astana.
Lance Armstrong
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I just wanted to get a post out there....I'm traveling for work and it really is a big box of Suck. I like the job. Honest! But the actual travel is, to be quite frank, miserable. I might consider poking my eyeballs out with a semi-soft object like a toothpick. It would be more fun that flying every week. Between that and the lack of riding, I'm starting to go crazy. Maybe it was watching the DNC for the past few nights in a dimly lit hotel that did it.I'm not really sure, but I can't wait for the fall rides. Honestly, this is my favorite time of year to ride. When I get home, I just bought a new Ultegra wheel-set and crank set that I will review.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Yeah, I know I'm late
But I got caught up in work related travel. Click here to read about LA's finish in the Leadville 100. What a brutal race. It's certainly not what road bikers are used to.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bike Rage
Is there really such a thing? I certainly feel like it when a car cuts me off on a ride. To add insult to (near)injury, as they drive past, I can see someone who doesn't look old enough to drive. To say that they looked like a reject from MTV's "Super Sweet 16" is beink kind. As she was texting furiously to her pals, I felt like screaming. It's not like it would have helped. I doubt she would have picked up her head long enough to see who was yelling.
At first, I thought it was my chosen route, since I pass at least 4 schools. But then I noticed that adults are doing it too(isn't everyone doing it?). Nevermind that NY is a hands free state...What bizarre universe do we live in where adults drive around sending text messages like a bunch of teens hopped up on a sugar high? Apparently this is an issue in a lot of places, click here to see an article in the Christian Science Monitor about the increasing number of states considering a ban on driving and texting.
At first, I thought it was my chosen route, since I pass at least 4 schools. But then I noticed that adults are doing it too(isn't everyone doing it?). Nevermind that NY is a hands free state...What bizarre universe do we live in where adults drive around sending text messages like a bunch of teens hopped up on a sugar high? Apparently this is an issue in a lot of places, click here to see an article in the Christian Science Monitor about the increasing number of states considering a ban on driving and texting.
Jeez, I'm glad I can stop worrying about that one...
I know it's random, but I came across this while trolling the blog-o-sphere at lunch. Originally reported by John Tierny of the NYT, this list addresses some all too commom misconceptions. I though it was utterly entertaining only because my neighbor proceeded to tell me at lunch just how dangerous it was to eat grilled hot dogs. He doesn't get out much. Oh, that and it was shark week and now my girlfriend is PETRIFIED to go to the beach and swim in the ocean. Click here to see the list. :-)
Lance to race again
I came in from my ride this morning and went through the typical routine of cleaning the bike, showering, and eating breakfast. While chowing down on my Raisin Bran Crunch (who doesn't love RBC?) and going through the news, I saw this article about LA racing again. It's interesting for a few reasons. Mainly that a) he's in a competitive setting again b) that Floyd got smacked around last year at this race and c) the comments. It sounds like a hell of a race. My big butt wouldn't make it, that's for sure.
There were some pretty funny comments. They highlighted some people's latent racism, lack of education (or inability to spell check, you decide), or people's desire to pull someone down to their level. Everyone has an opinion on whether or not Lance Armstrong doped or not. Each year at the TDF, as another lead rider or team drops out for failing a doping test or even allegations of doping, it's becoming harder and harder not to become cynical. "Everyone does it, so LA must have", you say? I find it harder to believe that one of the most tested athletes on the planet (as well as one of the most polarizing depending on your opinion) managed to cheat all of the tests. "What about Marion Jones?" I get that argument. She beat the tests using HGH or "The Clear", or whatever you want to call it. But for chronic HGH users (bodybuilders, Bonds, Jones, etc) you can SEE the change. The eyes spreading until they start to look like a fish, increasing shoe size, and a bigger head. Sustained HGH use would be a risky game for a pro cyclist. It would come with the potential for a constantly changing riding position due to your changing bone structure, in addition to added weight. These are all taboo for pro riders.
Anyway, until some magic test proves otherwise, LA admits it himself, or some other freak occurrence changes things, I'm assuming he's a clean athlete. If the cleats were on your feet, wouldn't you want the same? Anyway, I'm going to get off my soap box now and get some coffee. See you soon;-)
There were some pretty funny comments. They highlighted some people's latent racism, lack of education (or inability to spell check, you decide), or people's desire to pull someone down to their level. Everyone has an opinion on whether or not Lance Armstrong doped or not. Each year at the TDF, as another lead rider or team drops out for failing a doping test or even allegations of doping, it's becoming harder and harder not to become cynical. "Everyone does it, so LA must have", you say? I find it harder to believe that one of the most tested athletes on the planet (as well as one of the most polarizing depending on your opinion) managed to cheat all of the tests. "What about Marion Jones?" I get that argument. She beat the tests using HGH or "The Clear", or whatever you want to call it. But for chronic HGH users (bodybuilders, Bonds, Jones, etc) you can SEE the change. The eyes spreading until they start to look like a fish, increasing shoe size, and a bigger head. Sustained HGH use would be a risky game for a pro cyclist. It would come with the potential for a constantly changing riding position due to your changing bone structure, in addition to added weight. These are all taboo for pro riders.
Anyway, until some magic test proves otherwise, LA admits it himself, or some other freak occurrence changes things, I'm assuming he's a clean athlete. If the cleats were on your feet, wouldn't you want the same? Anyway, I'm going to get off my soap box now and get some coffee. See you soon;-)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day Two
Alrighty then. We're on day two of getting this thing up and rolling You would think it was a snap for me since I work in the IT industry, but apparently not. I should have known by this morning's ride that it was going to be a long day. I rolled out at 7:30 for a quick 20 mile blast and it was already creeping up on 80 and humid. When I say "quick" I should probably clarify: "Quick" for me is averaging 15-17 mph (including all required stops for traffic lights etc.). I know it's not that fast...please don't stop visiting my blog. Pretty Please? Truthfully, if I were that fast I'd most likely still be on my bike instead of blogging about it.
I'm starting to ramble and almost forgot the "bad" part of the ride. Why are people in cars so clueless on how to act around bicycles? Click here to read about the rise in incidents between drivers and riders. I can't tell you how many drivers I see texting and talking. Mind you, it's illegal here. I even saw a young girl texting and driving as she drove past a cop on my ride yesterday afternoon. He was directing traffic and she went right by....probably texting about the Jonas Brothers on the Teen Choice awards or some nonsense. Grrr
I'm starting to ramble and almost forgot the "bad" part of the ride. Why are people in cars so clueless on how to act around bicycles? Click here to read about the rise in incidents between drivers and riders. I can't tell you how many drivers I see texting and talking. Mind you, it's illegal here. I even saw a young girl texting and driving as she drove past a cop on my ride yesterday afternoon. He was directing traffic and she went right by....probably texting about the Jonas Brothers on the Teen Choice awards or some nonsense. Grrr
Monday, August 4, 2008
Welcome to 120PSEye, a blog about cycling, charity, and pretty much anything else I get an itch to write about. If you hadn't guessed, or are not into cycling, the name of my blog is basically the tire pressure I run on my bike. Utterly fascinating right? Truthfully, I wanted 120PSI, but it was taken and the alternative suggestions left a bit to be desired. That and my creativity pills weren't working today. Over the next day or two, I'm going to try and get this set up just the way I like (and think any potential readers will like) and start going on some topics, starting by introducing myself to all zero readers sure to be tuned in by tomorrow.
Welcome to 120PSEye, a blog about cycling, charity, and pretty much anything else I get an itch to write about. If you hadn't guessed, or are not into cycling, the name of my blog is basically the tire pressure I run on my bike. Utterly fascinating right? Truthfully, I wanted 120PSI, but it was taken and the alternative suggestions left a bit to be desired. That and my creativity pills weren't working today. Over the next day or two, I'm going to try and get this set up just the way I like (and think any potential readers will like) and start going on some topics, starting by introducing myself to all zero readers sure to be tuned in by tomorrow.
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